Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Having had the opportunity to speak with Albanian nationals about their own country I have been curious to see how they feel about their own nation. Generally, in my experience Albanians are a patriotic people. They love their food, traditions, and way of life. On other occasions I have spoken with others who do not share the same pride as their compatriots.  

Some have lost faith in their government and its ability to lead the nation. They express that their country now has too many problems to fix. They laugh at the idea of ever being a global player or having an important role in the international stage. They doubt the possibility of joining the EU and constantly compare their nation with other more successful nations. At first I was disheartened and surprised by this apathetic view of one's own nation. 

After pondering on it I had thought also of those who, in my own nation, see only a bleak and unsuccessful future. They complain and accuse their country's leaders for everything. They believe because the President is a Democrat or a Republican that America is doomed. They become bitter and loose hope in their own nation's capacity to do great things. 

The Institute of Leadership has opened my eyes to a different outlook on problems in governments, businesses, and organizations. I have met people with an edified perspective. These often young leaders are learning to take their current situation as it is. They see the future as a goal to accomplish. Yes there are problems and difficult issues now, but an apathetic and negative outlook will only push progress back. They have dreams for their lives and the future of their nation. They speak of Albania being a place of tourism. They talk of its potential and strengths. They believe in their ability and their nation's capacity to do great things. They are learning to lead their lives, and thus become leaders in their respective career paths.

I have learned from them and have changed my own outlook on my own country. I understand that no county has a perfect government free from all corruption and error. It is my responsibility as a future leader in my nation to believe in my nation's capacity to do great things. 


I have great hope
In God
That he will not abandon
Albania thus,
           But that she will shine forth
           And break into blossom.

May the day dawn
That will bestow upon us
A great light,
Giving birth to:

And unity
And compassion
Are our salvation.
           Happy is he who will be present
           When this day comes

When Albania 
Will be radiant
And misfortune
Will be banished 
          From her sight.

For Albania
Joyous days 
Are at hand.
The darkness is receding
          Happy is he who will live 
          To see her reign!

For the Albanian
And his language
Are at one
With Albania.
          Happy is he who will
          Behold her soon!

And progress,
And humanity
          Will arise,
          Never to stray.

-Naim Frasheri (Albanian Poet)

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