Thursday, July 14, 2016

Religion in Albania

Mosque in center of Durres, Albania
A country that was once under Communist rule has now become a country open to religion, with freedom to follow and worship in whatever faith one believes.

Mosque in the central area of Tirana.
According to the 2009 Report on International Religious Freedom, “the majority of citizens do not actively practice a faith; however, the four traditional religious groups are Muslim (Sunni), Bektashi (a form of Shi’a Sufism), Orthodox Christian (the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania), and Roman Catholic. In addition, there are substantial numbers of Protestant denominations and other religious groups, including Baha’is, Jehovah’s Witnesses, and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons).”

As you travel throughout the cities and beautiful landscapes of Albania, it is evident that there is a strong presence of the Muslim religion, due to the many Mosques that are seen. These mosques are many times in the town center or close by, as is true in the pictures both above and to the left, where the Mosque is at the center of Durrës and Tirana life.

You also see a strong presence of Orthodox Christian churches, depending on where you visit the country. There is a bigger presence of Orthodox churches as you go south, towards Northern Greece.

Orthodox Church near the port in Durrës
One of the greatest things about the culture of Albania is that they are very open and willing to share stories and conversation with you, no matter what race, gender, religion, etc. There doesn’t appear to be religious tension (at least that I have noticed), and it seems as though all of the religions treat each other fairly and with kindness. 

Pope Francis even noticed that Albanians are a very open and loving people among the many faiths that exist. According to a 2014 article from The Telegraph, Pope Francis said, “there is a rather beautiful characteristic of Albania, one which gives me great joy: I am referring to the peaceful coexistence and collaboration that exists among followers of different religions…" He then continued:

"The climate of respect and mutual trust between Catholics, Orthodox and Muslims is a precious gift to the country.” -Pope Francis

Church in Tirana
Church near the center of Tirana
Whether you identify more with those of the Muslim belief, the Mormon faith, the Catholics, or Greek Orthodox, or none at all, you are sure to feel safe in openly practicing your faith in the religiously tolerant country of Albania.
LDS Church in Durres, Albania
The LDS / Mormon Church in Durrës

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